मृगा मृगैः सङ्गमनुव्रजन्ति English translation

Do you want to know about a person?

This Sanskrit Subhashit can tell you how the person you want to know about is.

Video explanation of the Shloka

In this video, the Sanskrit shloka Mriga Mrigaih Sangam is explained in Hindi. It would be great if someone volunteer to provide the English subtitles.

If you want to learn in detail, please continue reading this article.


मृगा मृगैः सङ्गमनुव्रजन्ति
गावश्च गोभिः तुरगास्तुरङ्गैः।
मूर्खाश्च मूर्खैः सुधियः सुधीभिः
समान-शील-व्यसनेषु सख्यम्॥

Roman transliteration of the verse

mṛgā mṛgaiḥ saṅgamanuvrajanti
gāvaśca gobhiḥ turagāsturaṅgaiḥ|
mūrkhāśca mūrkhaiḥ sudhiyaḥ sudhībhiḥ
samāna-śīla-vyasaneṣu sakhyam||

Parsing of the verse and the word to word meaning of the verse

  • मृगाः – हरिणाः। हिरणें, deers
  • मृगैः सङ्गम् – हरिणैः सह। हिरणों के साथ with deers
  • अनुव्रजन्ति – पीछे घूमति हैं, follow
  • गावः (गो शब्द, बहुवचन) – धेनवः। गाएं, cows
  • च – और, and
  • गोभिः – गौओं के (साथ), with cows
  • तुरगाः – अश्वाः। घोटकाः। घोड़ें, horses
  • तुरङ्गैः – घोड़ों के (साथ), with horses
  • मूर्खाः – बुद्धिहीनाः। मूर्ख लोग, fools
  • च – और, and
  • मूर्खैः – मूर्खों के (साथ), with fools
  • सुधियः (सुधी शब्द, बहु॰) – बुद्धिमन्तः। बुद्धिमान् लोग, intilegents
  • सुधीभिः – बुद्धिमानों के साथ, with intilegents
  • समान-शील-व्यसनेषु – समान शील और व्यसन वालों में, among those with similar modesty and addictions
  • सख्यम् – मित्रता। दोस्ती (होती है), friendship

Anvay of the Shloka

(यथा) मृगाः मृगैः, गावः च गोभिः, तुरगाः तुरङ्गैः सङ्गम् अनुव्रजन्ति। (तथा एव) मूर्खाः च मूर्खैः, सुधियः सुधीभिः (सङ्गम् अनुव्रजन्ति)। (अतः) समानशीलव्यसनेषु सख्यम् (भवति)।

Hindi meaning of the shloka

जैसे हिरणें हिरणों के, और गाएं गौओं के, घोड़े घोड़ों के साथ पीछे घूमते हैं। वैसे ही मूर्ख मूर्खों के और बुद्धिमान् बुद्धिमन्तों के साथ घूमते हैं। इसीलिए (हम कह सकते हैं कि) समान शील और व्यसनियों में दोस्ती होती है।

English meaning of the shloka

Deers follow deers, crows follow crows and horses follow horses. In the same way, fools follow fools and wise people follow the wise people. That is why we can say that there is a friendship among those with similar modesty, habits and addictions.

Explanation of Shloka 

In this verse, it has been said from the example of animals that you can be identified with your friends. Or in other words, we can also say that you have friendship with the same type of person as you are.

The deer only go after the deer. The crow only goes after the crows. In the same way, a wise man can live only with a wise man. A wise man cannot be with fools. Foolish people also live with fools.

From this verse it also makes us understand that if you want to know about a person, find his friends. The kind of friends his friends will be, that person will also be like that.

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