सम्पत्तौ च विपत्तौ च महतामेकरूपता। Sampattau Cha Vipattau Cha

Do you want to be a great man?

Sanskrit Subhashitkaras (poets) has mentioned a characteristic of great men in this Shloka. If we understood this, then we also can the great men.

The shloka

सम्पत्तौ च विपत्तौ च महतामेकरूपता।
उदये सविता रक्तो रक्तश्चास्तमये तथा॥

Roman transliteration

sampattau ca vipattau ca mahatāmekarūpatā|
udaye savitā rakto raktaścāstamaye tathā||

Parsing of the shloka

सम्पत्तौ च विपत्तौ च महताम् एकरूपता।
उदये सविता रक्तः रक्तः च अस्तमये तथा॥

Video of the shloka

This video is in Hindi. It will be helpful if someone voluntarily provides English subtitles of the video

Keep reding for the detailed explanation of the shloka

Word to word meaning

  • सम्पत्तौ – in richness
  • च – and
  • विपत्तौ – in difficulty
  • च – and
  • महताम् – … of gret men, great mens’
  • एकरूपता – equality
  • उदये – when it rises
  • सविता – सूर्यः। भानुः। रविः। the Sun
  • रक्तः – red
  • रक्तः – red
  • च – and
  • अस्तमये – अस्तकाले। at the time of set
  • तथा – as well as

Anway of Shloka

महतां (जनानां) सम्पत्तौ त विपत्तौ च एकरूपता (भवति)। (यथा) सविता उदये रक्तः (भवति), तथा च अस्तमये (अपि) रक्तः (भवति)॥

English translation

Here is the English translation of the Shloka in simple language

Great people remain equal in richness and difficult conditions. As the sun is red when it rises, as well as it is red when it sets.


The sun is great. When it rises and when it sets, in both these states, we see the sun remains equal. The great men are just like that.

महान लोगों की एक खासीयत होती है। जब उनके पास पैसा होता है तब और जब उनके पास पैसा नहीं होता है तब, दोनों भी स्थितियों में वे एकसमान ही व्यवहार करते हैं।

It is a speciality of great men. When they are rich and when they don’t, they behave the same in both situations.

संपत्तौ च विपत्तौ च महताम् एकरूपता
सम्पत्तौ च विपत्तौ च

That is, when they have money, they remain calm. And in such a peaceful situation, they spend their money. Great men don’t go into pride. And maintain their happiness. On the other hand, even when there is no money or in difficult situations, they remain calm. They don’t make wrong decisions in a hurry. It helps them to handle the position. That is why they can become great.

From this Shloka, we should learn that no matter what the situation may be, we should not allow it to affect ourselves.

Thank you



रक्तो रक्तश्चास्तमये


Actually here is no Samas. But we can do it.

सम्पत्तौ च विपत्तौ च

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