Laziness is the enemy. People have enmity with others. But we have an enemy inside us. And that is laziness. We need to defeat laziness first. Let us see what Sanskrit poet says about it –
Shloka in Sanskrit
आलस्यं हि मनुष्याणां शरीरस्थो महान् रिपुः ।
नास्त्युद्यमसमो बन्धुः कृत्वा यं नावसीदति ॥
Roman transliteration
ālasyaṃ hi manuṣyāṇāṃ śarīrastho mahān ripuḥ |
nāstyudyamasamo bandhuḥ kṛtvā yaṃ nāvasīdati ||
Division of the padas
आलस्यं हि मनुष्याणां शरीरस्थः महान् रिपुः।
न अस्ति उद्यमसमः बन्धुः कृत्वा यं न अवसीदति॥
Video explanation
This is a Hindi video. It will be great if someone provides English subtitles.
Word to word meaning
- आलस्यम् – laziness
- हि – (अव्यय)
- मनुष्याणाम् – मानवानाम्। जनानाम्। peoples’
- शरीरस्थः – शरीरे स्थितः। one who lives inside our body
- महान् – great
- रिपुः – शत्रुः। वैरी। enemy
- नास्ति – not
- उद्यमसमः – as work, like work
- बन्धुः – आत्मीयः। friend, brother, brotherly
- कृत्वा – by doing
- यं – which
- न – no
- अवसीदति – becomes unhappy
Anway of Shloka
आलस्यम् मनुष्याणां शरीरस्थः महान् शत्रुः (अस्ति)। (तथा च) उद्यमसमः बन्धुः न अस्ति यं कृत्वा (मनुष्यः) न अवसीदति।
English translation
Here is the English translation of the shloka
Laziness is the great enemy of man which lives inside the body. And there is no friend like work by doing which no one becomes unhappy
Here is the explanation of the shloka in simple language.
Laziness is the great enemy. But we do not need to go to the battlefield to fight him. It is inside us. If we determined that I will not be lazy anymore, then it is very easy to defeat it. But that is we who say: “Um.. I’ll do it later.” My friends! That is the laziness.
On the other side, there is hard work. If laziness is man’s enemy, then hard work is the best friend. The hard worker will not be unhappy.
- शरीरस्थो महान् – शरीरस्थः + महान्। Utwa Sandhi।
- शरीरस्थः – शऱीरे तिष्ठति इति। Upapad tatpurush samas।
- नास्त्युद्यमसमो बन्धुः
- न + अस्ति + उद्यमसमः + बन्धुः।
- Here are three Sandhis: Deergha, Yan and Utwa
- उद्यमसमः – उद्यमेन समः। Tritiya tatpurush samas।
- कृत्वा – कृ + क्त्वा। इति प्रकृतिप्रत्ययौ।
- नावसीदति – न + अवसीदति। Deergha sandhi।
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