What harm do we do by speaking sweetly?
Just nothing.
Speaking sweetly does not cause any harm, but only benefits. So why not speak sweet?
This idea has been expressed very well in this Sanskrit Subhashit.
The Sanskrit Shloka
प्रियवाक्यप्रदानेन सर्वे तुष्यन्ति मानवाः।
तस्मात् प्रियं हि वक्तव्यं वचने का दरिद्रता॥
Roman transcription of the Shloka
priyavākyapradānena sarve tuṣyanti mānavāḥ।
tasmāt priyaṃ hi vaktavyaṃ vacane kā daridratā॥
Word to word meaning of the Shloka
- प्रियवाक्यप्रदानेन – by giving (by speaking) pleasant sentences
- सर्वे – all
- तुष्यन्ति – become satisfied (happy)
- जन्तवः – जीवाः। all leaving beings
- तस्मात् – अतः। therefore, thus, because
- तदेव – तत् + एव – that only
- वक्तव्यम् – should be spoken
- वचने – in speaking
- का – which
- दरिद्रता – poverty
अन्वय of the shloka
Here is the Anway (the best rearrangement of words) of the shloka for English
सर्वे जन्तवः तुष्यन्ति प्रियवाक्यप्रदानेन। तस्मात् तत् एव वक्तव्यम्। (यतः) का दरिद्रता (अस्ति) वचने?
English Translation of the shloka
All the living beings become happy by speaking a pleasant sentence. That’s why only that (pleasant sentence) should be spoken. What poverty is there in speaking!
Video of the Shloka (in Hindi)
This video is in Hindi. But if someone voluntarily provides English subtitles, then it will be helpful for all.
If you have any other doubt, problem or question related to this verse or in Sanskrit subject, then feel free to ask.
Thank you